And then I read Born to Run.
If the Tarahumara tribe from the book could run how they were described; fast and forever (both distance and until old and gray), why was I falling apart in my 20s? Something was wrong.
I dissected the book and downloaded the information from videos into my brain. My suspicions about foot mechanics were confirmed. Heel-to-toe running is not how the body was made to run. “Maybe that is why my knees have always been so messed up?”
Slowly, I began to realize that maybe… it was up to me to figure out what worked for me.
As I kept digging, I learned about body position and hip placement, stride length and arm swing, breathing and mental benefits. I couldn’t get enough!
Inspired by progress and results, little by little, I tweaked my running form until I finally landed on the form that suited me. It has taken a long time and hours of unsuccessful adjustments, but when you find your form, running actually becomes fun.
And now, running is a staple in my life. I feel smooth and light. Strong and powerful.
It is no longer a chore, but an activity I can’t wait to do every day. Talk about full circle.