#1 Dream Statement

The Dream Statement component of the DRMN BG™ Challenge is designed to help you clarify and articulate your dream or goal. This document outlines the process for defining your dream, creating a roadmap with steps and milestones, and displaying your dream for daily review and motivation.

Dream Statement Process

Step 1: Identify Your Dream or Goal

Reflecting on your passions, interests, and aspirations will help you discover a dream or goal that excites and inspires you. This document provides guidance and examples to help you brainstorm and choose a meaningful and motivating dream or goal.

  1. Reflect on your passions, interests, and aspirations:
    • Think about activities, hobbies, or topics that you are passionate about and enjoy.
    • Consider any skills or talents you possess or wish to develop further.
    • Contemplate what kind of impact you want to have on your community, society, or the world.
  2. Consider what you want to achieve or create in your personal or professional life.
    • Personal life goals may include personal development, improving relationships, health and wellness, or pursuing a creative project.
    • Professional life goals may involve career advancement, starting a business, expanding your professional network, or acquiring new skills.
  3. Choose a dream or goal that truly excites and inspires you.
    • Ensure that your dream or goal is something that you genuinely care about and feel motivated to achieve.
    • Your dream should challenge you and push you to grow, while still being attainable within the 90-day challenge timeframe.

Step 2: Write Your Dream Statement

This statement will serve as your guiding light and a constant reminder of your dream or goal. This document provides guidance and examples to help you craft a well-defined and inspiring dream statement using the SMART criteria.

  1. Craft a clear, concise statement that describes your dream or goal:
    • Use simple, straightforward language to convey the essence of your dream.
    • Ensure your statement is easy to understand and remember.

Example: "I will lose 20 pounds and improve my overall fitness by consistently exercising and following a healthy meal plan over the next 90 days."

  1. Use specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) criteria to ensure your dream is well-defined and actionable.
    • Specific: Clearly define the outcome you desire.
    • Measurable: Determine how you will track progress and measure success.
    • Achievable: Ensure your dream is realistic and attainable within the 90-day timeframe.
    • Relevant: Align your dream with your passions, interests, and aspirations.
    • Time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving your dream within the challenge period.

Example: "By the end of the DRMN BG™ Challenge, I will successfully launch an online store selling handmade products, generating at least $1,000 in sales during the first month."

  1. Make your statement inspiring and motivational, as this will be your guiding light throughout the challenge.
    • Use positive and empowering language to evoke enthusiasm and determination.
    • Craft a statement that resonates with your values, desires, and ambitions.

Example: "Within 90 days, I will write and self-publish a collection of 10 short stories that showcase my creativity and passion for storytelling."

Step 3: Outline Steps and Milestones

Breaking down your dream into smaller, manageable tasks makes it more achievable and less overwhelming. This document provides guidance and examples to help you outline steps and milestones using the SMART criteria, ensuring clarity and effectiveness.

  1. Break down your dream into smaller, manageable steps or tasks that can be accomplished within the 90-day challenge timeframe.
    • Divide your dream into smaller tasks that, when completed, will lead to the achievement of your overall goal.
    • Ensure each task is manageable and can realistically be completed within the challenge period.
  2. Identify key milestones or intermediate goals that signify progress towards your dream.
    • Milestones are significant events or accomplishments that demonstrate progress and serve as checkpoints along your journey.
    • Use milestones to help you stay motivated, track your progress, and make adjustments to your plan as needed.
  3. Ensure each step and milestone is aligned with the SMART criteria for optimal clarity and effectiveness.
    • Specific: Clearly define each step and milestone.
    • Measurable: Determine how you will track progress and measure success for each step and milestone.
    • Achievable: Ensure each step and milestone is realistic and attainable.
    • Relevant: Align steps and milestones with your overall dream and goals.
    • Time-bound: Set deadlines for completing each step and milestone within the challenge timeframe.


Health and Wellness Goal Example 



  1. Develop a weekly workout routine (Week 1).
  2. Create a healthy meal plan (Week 1).
  3. Track daily exercise and meals (Ongoing).
  1. Lose 5 pounds (Week 3).
  2. Lose 10 pounds (Week 6).
  3. Lose 15 pounds (Week 9).
  4. Lose 20 pounds (Week 12).


Writing Goal Example 



  1. Develop 10 story ideas (Week 1).
  2. Create a writing schedule (Week 1).
  3. Write one story per week (Weeks 2-11).
  4. Edit stories (Week 12).
  5. Research self-publishing options (Week 12).
  1. Complete 5 stories (Week 6).
  2. Complete 10 stories (Week 11).
  3. Self-publish the collection (Week 12).


Entrepreneurship Goal Example 



  1. Develop a business plan (Weeks 1-2).
  2. Create an inventory of products (Weeks 3-4).
  3. Set up an e-commerce website (Weeks 5-6).
  4. Develop a marketing strategy (Weeks 7-8).
  5. Launch the online store (Week 9).
  1. Complete business plan (Week 2).
  2. Set up an e-commerce website (Week 6).
  3. Launch online store (Week 9).
  4. Generate $1,000 in sales (Week 12).


Step 4: Display Your Dream Definition

  • Print or write your dream statement, steps, and milestones on a physical document or poster.
  • Place the document in a prominent location where you can easily see it every day, such as your bedroom, workspace, or living area.
  • Consider incorporating visual elements or design elements that make your dream definition aesthetically appealing and inspiring.

Step 5: Review Your Dream Definition Daily

  • Review your dream definition document every morning and evening, taking a moment to reflect on your progress and visualize your success.
  • Use this daily review as an opportunity to recommit to your dream, adjust your strategy if needed, and renew your motivation and energy.

By clearly defining your dream and creating a visual reminder for daily review, you will maintain focus, inspiration, and accountability throughout the DRMN BG™ Challenge, increasing your chances of success in realizing your dream.

NEXT: #2 Daily Dream Work